Lukas T. Swidler
Lukas T. Swidler
B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, Minor in Philosophy
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Topflight Elite Red 17U takes Pangos Summer Sweet 16 consolation Championship winning against Moore Management White Orange County 92 to 42
Topflight 17U Red lost 29 to 63 vs California Supreme EYBL 17U
Topflight 17U Red lost 59 to 67 vs I5 Elite from Portland Oregon
Posted on
July 15, 2015
Thomas Swidler
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Topflight Elite Red 17U takes Pangos Summer Sweet 16 consolation Championship winning against Moore Management White Orange County 92 to 42
Topflight 17U Red lost 29 to 63 vs California Supreme EYBL 17U
Lukas T. Swidler
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